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3M Defective Earplugs

Do You Suffer from Tinnitus or Hearing Loss Caused by Defective 3M Earplugs?
3M defective military earplugs
Are you a United States veteran or active duty military member who was issued military earplugs between 2003 and 2015? Have you developed hearing loss and/or tinnitus from the use of defective combat earplugs manufactured by 3M and Aearo Technologies?
female military member
Who may be eligible to file a claim?

Veterans and active duty service members that were issued and used 3M Dual Ended Combat Arms Earplugs between 2003-2015.

Veterans and active duty service members diagnosed with tinnitus or hearing loss.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms with your hearing?

    • Tinnitus
    • Ringing
    • Buzzing
    • Muffled speech and other sounds
    • Difficulty hearing & understanding words
    • Needing to turn up volume of TV/radio
    • Background noise makes it hard to hear
    • Loss of balance

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A False Claims Act lawsuit against 3M was settled for $9.1 million in July 2018.

United States v. 3M Company: Filed on May 12, 2016. Synopsis: Defendant 3M Company sold defective dual-ended Combat Arms (trademarked) earplugs, which 3M sold to the US Military for more than a decade without its knowledge of the defect. Fraud perpetrated on the military by 3M have likely caused thousands of soldiers to suffer significant hearing loss and tinnitus in addition to exposing millions to the risk caused by 3M's defective earplugs.
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